Yandex Search on Nokia smart phones
Internet, November 9, 2006. Nokia and Yandex launched a search plug-in for Nokia smart phones. Mobile Search with Yandex Web and Image Search is available for all Nokia Series 60 mobile devices.
Yandex to Pay Scientists for Internet Mathematics
Internet, October 17, 2006. Yandex announces the second competition of scientific projects — Internet Mathematics 2007. The company intends to finance around half a year projects in the field of information retrieval and related disciplines, for a total amount of RUB 5 million.
Yandex Cup VII in Internet Search Begins
Internet, October 12, 2006. Yandex announces the traditional Russian Open Cup in Internet search. For the seventh time, everyone who has command of the Russian language and the keyboard is invited to participate in the contest. The prize fund of Yandex Cup-2006 is one million roubles.
Not by Website Alone: Yandex.Direct Shows Addresses and Telephone Numbers
Internet, October 10, 2006. Online context advertising is now available even to those who do not have websites.
Blog Search 2.0: Things of Interest On the Web Right Now
Internet, 4 October, 2006. From now on, all Yandex visitors can see right away what subjects and events are most actively discussed on the Web — with the help of the new, second version of Yandex Blog Search service.
Quotations in the News: Telling Facts from Rumors
Internet, October 3, 2006. A new Yandex service — Quotations in the News — helps look for statements made by different people in mass media stories. The most popular comments and the most extensively quoted personalities are featured on the main page of the service, giving the picture of the day with direct speech of the central characters. Following the press portraits, Quotations in the News is yet another implementation of fact extraction technology developed by Yandex.
Yandex Advertising Network Open for Tens of Thousands of Participants
Internet, September 28, 2006. Yandex announces changes in criteria for joining Yandex Advertising Network and invites new participants. All sites with daily audience exceeding 300 visitors will be able to display Yandex.Direct ads and make money from context advertising. The owners of sites that participate in Yandex Ad Network get half of the revenues generated by their ad spots.