Yandex Opens Its First Regional Sales Office
Ekaterinburg, March 18, 2009. Yandex opens a sales office in Ekaterinburg. The regional commercial office will concentrate on promoting Yandex’s advertising products both through partners and directly to consumers.
Yandex Helps Choose a New Car
Internet, February 25, 2009. Yandex’s car search service Yandex.Auto now features information on new car models that officially go on sale in Russia.
Vacancies from HeadHunter and [email protected] on Yandex’s MoiKrug
Internet, February 24, 2009. HeadHunter, Mail.Ru and Yandex joined effort to offer new opportunities for job seekers and employers. Now, the MoiKrug service is integrated with the two popular recruiting resources, HeadHunter and [email protected]. In November 2008, not long before the integration, HeadHunter and [email protected] launched a partnership project.
Yandex Analyzes the Russian Internet Media
Internet, February 20, 2009. Yandex published an information bulletin on Russian online mass media. The report is based on data aggregated by the Yandex.News service. The full text of report “Media Sphere of the Russian Internet” is available (in Russian) at
Alfa-Bank and Yandex.Money Become Partners
Internet, February 10, 2009. A Yandex.Money account can now be linked with an Alfa-Bank account. The joint program of Alfa-Bank and Yandex.Money is called “Money: From A to Ya”.
Yandex made more than $300mm in 2008
Internet, February 5, 2009. Yandex announced preliminary unaudited financial results for 2008. Revenue exceeded $300mm, up more than 80% year-on-year. More than 85% of revenue was derived from text-based advertising.
Yandex.Traffic for Navigation Applications
Internet, January 19, 2009. Yandex.Traffic is now available for GPS navigation. Users of the navigation programs Autosputnik and Mobile Navigator can now plan their routes based on the information about traffic jams and clear roads.
Тюнер Интернет эфира – инновационная поисковая система от МераЛабс
Компания МераЛабс обьявила о завершении исследовательской части проекта Тюнер Интернет Эфира (Internet Air Tuner).
ЯTV открывает доступ по инвайтам
Совершенно новый для российского Интернета проект «ЯTV» стал доступен пользователям по специальным инвайтам. Приглашенные пользователи «ЯTV», которые проявили интерес к проекту и предварительно оставили заявки на сайте, сегодня имеют уникальный шанс не только в числе первых зарегистрироваться и познакомиться со всеми возможностями сервиса, но создать свой персональный телеканал в Интернете...
Yandex.Images: Look into Those Faces
Internet, December 17, 2008. Starting today, Yandex users can search specifically for portraits. Yandex’s image search service Yandex.Images has learnt to detect human faces in all sorts of images. It can identify individual and group portraits, photographs and pictures.
Yandex's Local Network in Every Federal District
Internet, December 5, 2008. Yandex connected Rostov-on-Don to its Local Network. Southern Federal District is the seventh region in Yandex's program for increasing accessibility of the company's services in Russia's regions. Yandex now has local presence in every federal district in Russia.
The Last Yandex Cup Finds its Winner
Moscow, December 4, 2008. The final round of the ninth (and the last) Yandex Cup in Internet search is over.
There is Always Something to Read on Yandex
Internet, December 2, 2008. Yandex announced the launch of a new search service for readers. At the Yandex.Books service web users can find the book they want to read online or buy its printed version in an online shop.
Yandex.Maps API for Bitrix Users
Internet, December 1, 2008. The 1C-Bitrix company implemented a Yandex.Maps API-based component in their program products. Now the users of 1C-Bitrix Site Manager can embed Yandex.Maps on their websites through the Bitrix interface.
The Joy of Simple Melodies on Yandex
Moscow, November 28, 2008. Peter Nalitch, the author of the popular song 'Gitar', has published his debut album on Yandex. The whole album “The Joy of Simple Melodies” is available for free download in the MP3 format at
Компания ЛивПроперти.Ру переезжает в новый офис
С декабря этого года компания «Ливпроперти.Ру» продолжит свою работу по новому адресу - проспект Шаумяна, дом 4. Необходимость переезда связана с расширением бизнеса компании, а также с планами оптимизации бизнес-процессов — теперь разработчики портала, до этого момента работавшие outdoor, и коммерческие службы будут работать в соседних помещениях.
Personal Photo Maps on Yandex
Internet, November 20, 2008. Yandex launches the new service for creating personal photo maps. Now, in addition to publishing photos in the Internet, Yandex.Fotki (Yandex.Photos) users can also pinpoint where exactly their pictures were taken. A user photo map is accessible by clicking the link “On the map” on a user personal webpage at Yandex.Fotki.
Kiev Drivers Create Kiev Traffic Maps
Internet, November 18, 2008. Starting today, Yandex users in Kiev can see the full picture of traffic situation in their city. Now, Yandex.Maps considers traffic data provided by Kiev drivers.
Yandex.Maps for Every Site
Internet, November 13, 2008. Yandex offers website developers Yandex.Maps API* (in Russian), a toolkit for creating their own map services. Any web site owner now can embed Yandex.Maps and use the new functionality at their own discretion.
Last Yandex Cup: 119 players in the second round
Internet, November 10, 2008. This year 119 players made it to the second round of the Ninth Yandex Cup, by answering at least 12 questions in one of the games correctly.