New Guru at Yandex.Market Helps Choose Gadgets
Internet, May 5, 2006. Yandex.Market presents a new version of Guru, the intelligent product selection system. The quality changes are related to devices that enjoy the highest demand from the users: mobile phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, and PDAs.
Over Hundred ISPs offer “Right” Internet Tariffs
Internet, April 27, 2006. The number of participants of Yandex.Tarif project has exceeded one hundred. Now more than a hundred ISPs in twenty cities provide users with cheap and quality Internet access.
Russian Internet Companies to Form Professional Association
Moscow, April 25, 2006. The leading Russian Internet companies Mail.ru, Rambler, RBC, and Yandex announce creation of a professional industry Association. An initiative group composed of these companies staff will prepare the package of statutory documents to be later presented to the sector.
Yandex Offers Music Search
Internet, April 19, 2006. Yandex has opened a new service: music search. All online digital stores and other sites with free and paid music archives are invited for cooperation. The only mandatory condition is to have the distribution right for the records.
Yandex Opens New Webmail @ya.ru
Internet, April 18, 2006. Today we launched a new Yandex webmail service. It has a rrrevolutionary interface and a short address @ya.ru. With the new interface, working with large volumes of mail is made convenient, and the address @ya.ru is perfectly suited for personal correspondence.
Yandex.Direct Presents Autofocus
Internet, April 17, 2006. Yandex.Direct now has Autofocus — a new tool to save advertisers’ time and increase effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Yandex customers can manually specify keywords and word combinations for displaying their ads and also request that the system refine their keywords automatically.
Yandex to Give One Million for Quality Education
Internet, April 14, 2006. Yandex announces Class-2006, an open contest of educational courses on information search. Postgraduate students and university teachers are welcome to take part in the contest. The prize fund is RUB 1 million.
Yandex.Adresa Accepts Info Updates from Users and Clients
Internet, April 13, 2006. Starting today, Yandex.Adresa accepts requests to add or amend information about companies, organizations, and institutions in its business directory. Requests are accepted from all users. Request processing and updates are free of charge. In addition, there is a paid service offered to participating companies: an option of priority placement in the directory.
Yandex Becomes a Ukrainian Site
Internet, April 12, 2006. Starting today, all Ukrainian Internet users can access Yandex directly. They connect to Yandex services within the Ukrainian segment of the Internet and therefore are not charged for international traffic. In order to provide local connectivity, Yandex has installed its network equipment at the Ukrainian Internet exchange point UA-IX in Kiev.
A Million Portraits at Yandex.News
Internet, April 4. 2006. Yandex provides access to background information about people mentioned by the Russian mass media. Now a search in Yandex.News returns links to so-called press portraits of those whose names correspond best to the query. Press portraits are formed automatically by a special computer program, using mass media materials for sources.
Blog Search: What Is Going On the Web Right Now
Internet, March 22, 2006. Yandex launched a new version of its Blog Search service. To learn what is going on in the Internet right now, just open the main page of the service, which displays blogosphere indicators: hot topics, most popular blogs and blog hosting servers. The service provides comprehensive search – the search database contains close to half a million Russian-language weblogs.
Yandex has doubled revenue and net income
Internet, March 16 2006. Yandex net income in 2005 amounted to $13.6* million, with revenues of $35.6* million calculated in accordance with US GAAP (excluding VAT). This represents an almost two-fold increase over the previous year’s figures.
Yandex Invites to a Two-Day Seminar on Keyword Advertising
Internet, March 17, 2006. Yandex will hold a two-day seminar on the subject of online advertising in general and Yandex ad products in particular. The seminar will be held in Moscow in late April. The seminar is open for advertisement distributors, advertising agencies and web-studios staff, and everyone who wants to learn more about Yandex advertising possibilities.
Largest Russian Internet Companies to Hold Conference on Internet and Business
Internet, March 13, 2006. The first Conference “Internet and Business” (CIB, www.c-ib.ru) will be held in April in Bor holiday hotel near Moscow. Its co-organizers are well-known participants of the Russian Internet market: Begun, Demos, HeadHunter, Mail.Ru, Ozon, Rambler, RBC, and Yandex.
Yandex Expands Partnership with Ukrainian Companies
Internet, March 6, 2006. Yandex.Goroda now has a section dedicated to the cities of Ukraine. It includes Donetsk, Kiev, Luhansk, Odessa, and Kharkov. Adding a Ukrainian cities section to the project became possible thanks to wider cooperation between Yandex and Ukrainian companies.
Стратегические партнеры: BORK и BRG Group
Компания BORK объявила о стратегическом партнерстве с международным холдингом BRG Group, который специализируется на разработке передовых решений в области бытовой техники и потребительской электроники, являясь одним из крупнейших производителей премиальной бытовой техники более 50 лет.
Yandex Search Tests: 24-7
Internet, February 21, 2006. Yandex opens a new season of search tests within the framework of the Yandex Cup project. The tests are designed for schoolchildren and students, and can also be of interest to those who are taking their first steps in the Internet.
Yandex Supports “Right” Internet Tariffs
Internet, January 19, 2006. Yandex will help ISPs providing cheap and quality Internet access inform millions of users about their services. Today, Yandex launched Yandex.Tarif — a project to promote broadband Internet access.
Mail.ru and Yandex Announce Strategic Agreement
Internet, January 16, 2006. Two largest Russian Internet portals — Mail.Ru and Yandex — agreed to form a strategic partnership in search technologies and context advertising.
Лизинговая компания «ТрансФин-М» получила премию «HR-бренд»
17 февраля на церемонии вручения премии «HR-бренд» лизинговая компания «ТрансФин-М» получила награду в номинации «Равные возможности».
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