Yandex in Vladivostok
Internet, July 24, 2008. Vladivostok joins Yandex’s Local Network Program. Now all services the company provides for its users in this city become local. With Vladivostok ISPs joining the Local Network Program, web users will be able to access all Yandex services at a high page loading speed and local rates.
WWA - первая ежегодная премия веб индустрии
Издревле люди соревновались за звание лучшего в той или иной области, и всегда в этом были заинтересованы как организаторы, так и участники. В целом, есть только несколько основополагающих соревнований, которые задают тон другим, менее масштабным, и повторяющим принципы основных. В каждой отрасли, в каждом виде деятельности, в каждом занятии найдется тот человек или команда, которая делает свое дело лучше остальных. Премии Интернета на данном этапе - своеобразные соревнования, в которых выясняется, кто же лучше продумал связку дизайн и простота освоения, информативность и конечно же, актуальность.
Yandex Finds and Shows Videos
Internet, July 3, 2008. Yandex launched the public beta of Yandex.Video, the company’s new service for searching and sharing video content. Now, Yandex users can search videos online and view the most popular video clips.
Clear Traffic for Dozens of Cities
Internet, June 26, 2008. Yandex completes the first phase of the Traffic 2.0 project, the company’s initiative to create user-generated traffic maps. Users can now track clear traffic in Moscow at the Yandex.Maps website. Starting today, drivers in dozens of cities across Russia and Ukraine start feeding and benefiting from live traffic information.
Yandex Labs to Open in Silicon Valley
Vishal Makhijani to serve as President and CEO of US-based Lab
Yandex Buys Smilink
Internet, June 16, 2008. Yandex will be closing the acquisition of Smilink, a Russian road traffic monitoring agency, in July this year. The financial terms of the acquisition are confidential.
Yandex Search For MTS Сlients
Internet, June 10, 2008. Yandex’s mobile search service is now available on MTS WAP portal. The newly launched service searches both the internet, and the mobile content at
Yandex.Mail Speaks Ukrainian
Internet, June 9, 2008. Yandex.Mail is now fully available in Ukrainian. Since last year, Yandex users in Ukraine can send emails from the Ukrainian domain Starting today, they can write emails and send them using the Ukrainian interface.
Yandex Mobilizes the Web
Internet, June 6, 2008. Yandex makes the web accessible from any mobile phone supporting an internet browser, automatically recognizing and adapting website content for the specific make and model. Mobile users now can rely on Yandex to properly display their search results for them, even if their gadget cannot do so on its own.
Открытие представительства компании LTC в Украине
На волне возрастающего интереса к новым технологиям Powerline communications продукты и решения для передачи информации по линиям электропередач на основе технологии Powerline стандарта HomePlug 1.0 turbo и HomePlug AV в Украине открылась компания «Контел - Киев». Являясь представительством компании LTC используя инновационные технологии PLC и Homeplug, "Контел - Киев" представляет уникальное для украинского рынка оборудование (адаптеры), позволяющие используя уже существующую электрическую проводку здания, построить защищенную компьютерную сеть с доступом Интернет, установить систему видеонаблюдения, провести автоматизацию предприятия или дома.
Customers Rate Products on Yandex.Market
Internet, May 29, 2008. Shopping became easier for Yandex.Market users who can now read customer reviews published on the service. Reviews for products and services are available right on product description pages. Any authorized user can write a review.
Yandex.Direct Reports Broken Websites
Internet, May 21, 2008. Yandex.Direct started alerting its clients, advertisers and partners, about website problems as they occur. Due to Yandex’s website availability monitoring, advertisers can now quickly deal with breakdowns without wasting their money on displaying ads with links, which lead to inaccessible websites.
Yandex Renews its Search
Internet, May 16, 2008. Yandex releases a new version of search on The testing period lasted about a month. The final version takes into account feedback from thousands of users.
Yandex Builds Advertising Bridges to Saint Petersburg
Saint Petersburg, May 15, 2008. With the opening of the sales department in its Saint Petersburg office today, Yandex brings its advertising technologies closer to advertisers and advertising agencies in this city. The Northern Capital is the third location, besides Moscow and Odessa, where Yandex sells ads “on the spot”*.
Yandex Searches on Opera Mini
Internet, May 13, 2008. Yandex became the default search engine on Opera Mini mobile web browser. Mobile users in Russia and in the CIS can now have instant access to Yandex web search directly from the start page of the browser. Previously, the Yandex search field featured in Opera’s desktop browsers.
Yandex.Maps Shows Road Junctions
Internet, May 7, 2008. Yandex adds interactive maps of road junctions to its Moscow mapping service. This new handy tool provides drivers with ready-made road junction solutions and helps planning a trip.
Yandex Helps to Plan a Trip
Internet, April 15, 2008. Yandex has launched connection search, a service designed for travelers. Yandex.Timetable helps to plan a trip by plane or by train.
Yandex Comes to Samara
Internet, April 8, 2008. Samara joins Yandex’s Local Network Program. The company set up its server equipment there and started free traffic exchange with local Internet providers. Now Yandex becomes a local web resource for Samara web users.
Yandex Measures Quality through Quantity
Internet, April 7, 2008. Yandex implemented quantitative indicators to measure quality of websites in the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN). In addition to regular moderation, partner websites will also undergo automated check-up.
Yandex Maps Ukrainian Megacities
Internet, April 2, 2008. Today Yandex launched map search for the largest Ukrainian cities with population in excess of 1m people. In addition to Kiev and Odessa, Yandex.Maps users now can look up street addresses in Kharkov, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Lviv and Zaporizhia.